22/02/2017 : Research Findings Link Cell Phone Microwave Radiation To Cancer, Low Birth Weight and Sperm Damage

Research Findings Presented at International Conference Link Cell Phone Microwave Radiation To Cancer, Low Birth Weight and Sperm Damage Research Findings Presented at International Conference Link Cell Phone Microwave Radiation To Cancer, Low Birth Weight and Sperm Damage

Experts call for strong policy action to protect the public and especially children who are more vulnerable.

Teton Village, WY – February 22, 2017
Scientists from 10 nations evaluated the latest peer reviewed body of evidence linking adverse health effects to wireless (radiofrequency) radiation at an expert forum that was held in late January at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) at Hebrew University.

The scientists call for policy actions to reduce exposure, such as legislation that significantly and more protectively reduces human exposure to RF, minimization of wireless in schools and public places, and national campaigns about screen time and children’s health.



Videos of Lectures and Presentation Slides are available at the Conference website here.

The press release can be found online here.

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